Computer Literacy: What should I know?
You should have the following basic computer skills in order to be
- The ability to start, restart, and shut down your computer.
- The ability to open and close programs.
- The ability to update/install software as needed.
- The ability to open, rearrange, close, and minimize windows.
- The ability to navigate the Internet including searching the
Web and going to specific web addresses.
- The ability to send, receive, and reply to emails and include
- Basic file management skills including how to save and retrieve
files, create folders, know the difference between a file and a
folder, and rename files and folders.
- Ability to upload a file (requires being able to save it and
then locate it on your computer).
- Basic understanding of word processing software (such as
Microsoft Word) and can use it to create and save documents for assignments,
including basic formatting.
- The ability to cut, copy, and paste text from one source to
- The ability to navigate among several open
applications at the same time (such as going from your Web browser
to your word processing program and then back again to upload a
- Understanding of basic rules of Internet etiquette or
- Understanding of basic copyright and plagiarism rules.
- Basic typing skills are recommended for efficiency.
If you are lacking any of these skills or you are a person who is
afraid to click on things, SCC has many continuing
education or credit courses in computer fundamentals that you may want
to take on campus prior to enrolling in your first online or hybrid course.
Here are some free online tutorials. None of these are created by Southeast Community College,
but they may be helpful: